If you've made it this far on the page, thanks for sticking in there. It's clear that you have more questions before you decide to reach out to us.
That's okay.
You might be wondering:
How much will this cost me?
Our answer is:
It's truly a free assessment. We talk, you share some information about your current situation, and that's it. We will review and provide your assessment over the phone.
There is no obligation for you to work with us.
You might also be wondering:
How much are your services regularly?
Our answer is:
It's depends (the unpopular answer). But honestly, for custom services there is no one-size-fits-all. We're project and deliverables-based which means that we don't charge you by the hour. To provide perspective, prices start in the five figures and go up from there depending on the project.
And you might be wondering:
How long will it take to receive my assessment results?
Our answer is:
We will complete the call with you and the assessment over the phone in about 30 minutes. We offer this to help you make the next decision(s) for your business even if you don't end up hiring us.