What's Included:
Business Model Mapping
- Use the Business Model Canvas framework to visualize key components of your business, such as:
-Value Proposition
-Customer Segments
-Revenue Streams
-Cost Structure
- -Define and align your goals with your resources, market potential, and competitive positioning.
Market Assumption Identification
-Identify the most critical assumptions and hypotheses about your business, customers, and market.
-Prioritize assumptions that must be tested first to reduce risk.
Customer Discovery Plan
-Provide guidance on designing effective customer interviews, surveys, and feedback mechanisms to gather real insights.
-Develop a roadmap for engaging with your target audience and validating the fit between their needs and your value proposition.
Experiment Design
-Outline low-cost, high-impact experiments to test your business model and market assumptions.
Examples include landing page tests, MVP launches, or prototype demos.
Validation Roadmap
-Create a step-by-step plan for testing and refining your business model based on real feedback and results from your experiments.
Revenue Generation Plans
-Develop clear, actionable strategies to generate revenue on your way to product-market fit by aligning marketing and sales tactics with your target market using the business validation results.
Strategic Recommendations
-Provide next steps based on findings to either iterate, pivot, or move forward with confidence.