Seriously, no one. It might be a great business idea. It could be an idea that’s going to make someone a LOT of money. It may be an idea that seems simple enough to implement, that you think someone else can easily do it. But in reality, the idea could be great, but no one really wants to do the work to execute on it.

The execution is the hard part (the VERY hard part) and very few people, even those that are passionate about the business, will follow through to the end to make it a successful reality.It’s not easy taking an idea and making it a successful business. There are many twists and turns, ups and downs, wins and losses occurring almost daily. Very few people can handle the emotional, financial, and physical turbulence of building a business.

It’s not easy taking an idea and making it a successful business. Share on X

Very few people can handle the emotional, financial, and physical turbulence of building a business. Share on X

This week, the Principal of TPM Focus, Monique Mills, hosted an event for tech founders. Two of the most common questions asked were:

  1. ) “How do I get help with my business without someone stealing my idea?” AND
  2. ) “Do I have to tell people my idea?”

Yes! You will have to tell people your idea, lots of people, to bring your idea to fruition. Actually, the more people you tell, the better. Why? Well, because the feedback loop comes from outside the company.The biggest problem is that people try to build a business in a bubble, with no feedback loop.  You need to speak with potential customers, advisors, mentors, etc to really create and grow a successful business so it is IMPOSSIBLE to keep the idea anonymous while you do so.

The biggest problem is that people try to build a business in a bubble, with no feedback loop Share on X

Have you ever met someone who was secretive about their business idea? How did you handle that?

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