TPM Focus Business Consulting
BlogOur blog is dedicated to the startups and small-to-midsize businesses that need tactical information and strategies for revenue engine optimization. We describe how things are done now and beyond. Technology is here to stay and we’re arming you with how to use it in sync with your entire business strategy, marketing, sales, customer success, and finances.
Strategy Alert: Have You Considered Customer Advisory Boards To Unlock Your Growth?
CABs or Customer Advisory Boards, might be the "secret weapon" you need for your company's growth. TPM Focus often recommends CABs for clients who are seeking to innovate, introduce new products/services, and need insights on industry trends and customer needs before...
Getting Rich Quick: Leveraging Revenue And Profit Strategies For Startup Success
In this day and age, startups must move beyond the idea of “burn and churn” regarding their business models. Instead, they must focus on building a solid foundation based on revenue and profitability strategies. This means that entrepreneurs must invest in processes...
Why You Should Hire For Customer Success Early
Customer success is a crucial component of any successful business yet is often an afterthought. This is a mistake. You should consider customer success before growth and actively hiring for it while planning your technology strategy and/or new product...
Can I Open A Business In The U.S. If I’m Not A Citizen?
Can I Open A Business In The U.S. If I'm Not A Citizen? We get this question a lot.And the answer is YES!Starting a U.S based business as an immigrant can be considerably challenging, but it’s not impossible. Though there are several steps one must take...
You’re Holding Your Company Back
The lies you're telling yourself are holding you back. Whatever it is that you think is impossible or won't work can be done. Business does not have to be as done as usual. The world is quickly changing and being transformed with technology. In addition,...
Do You Know How to Gauge Interest?
Are you having a hard time determining if your prospects are interested in your product? If so, this post is for you. Is it so wrong to want them to buy?We understand that it’s challenging to gauge the interest of your prospects, especially when it’s a...
Brand Bible Example
What Is A Brand Bible? Does your company have a "Brand Bible"? Perhaps you use the term "brand guide," but it's the same concept. You can't have revenue engine optimization without alignment within your marketing efforts. Branding is a major component of...
Intrapreneurs and Corporate Innovation Teams
The term "intrapreneurs" describes employees of a corporation tasked with behaving like an entrepreneur while working within a large organization. Sounds difficult? It is if you desire to create a stand-alone entity meant to serve an entire industry and...
Revenue Engine Optimization -What’s that?
Revenue engine optimization is what TPM Focus has been doing all along. Still, we've always described it in simple terms --syncing marketing, sales, technology, and customer success with revenue goals (finances). Now, more people are learning the phrase...
Rev Your Engine
Rev your engine---your content engine, that is. Content engines are a critical part of effectively marketing your business as it's a composite of the people, processes and tools you use to deliver your marketing messages in a high quality, targeted, and...
Start Small – The Importance of the MVP and Prototype
How do you increase your chances of a successful new business or new product launch? Start small. Build an MVP and/or prototype first. What you build depends on many factors including the type of product you're launching, your target audience, and...
The Difference Between an MVP and a Prototype
The difference between an MVP, or a minimum viable product, and a prototype is that an MVP is a finite version of your product with a certain set of minimum features for your user to experience the purpose of your product and provide feedback. A prototype,...
Supporting Young Entrepreneurs
Young Entrepreneurs are more important than ever, and it is vital for current entrepreneurs to support this next generation of business leaders. This week the CEO of TPM Focus invested in three companies started by young entrepreneurs---all under the age...
The B2B Buying Journey
The B2B, or business to business, buying journey has an unwritten set of rules that should be acknowledged and considered when selling your products and services. Many of our clients voice frustrations with the selling process in this space. However, we...
Video: The Case of the “Leaky Sales Funnel”
Video: The Case of the "Leaky Sales Funnel"Recently, the CEO of TPM Focus, Monique Mills, led a strategic planning session for women business owners in Atlanta. It was a full day of hands-on strategic planning held specifically to help them get a jump...
Growth and Scaling—The Difference
Recently, a new business owner asked: "How do I scale a new business?"Here's our answer to that:A brand new business shouldn’t focus on scaling just yet. It’s only once you have some traction, growth, and product-market fit should you focus on scaling....
Why LinkedIn is Critical to Small Business Owners
LinkedIn is a great platform, yet highly underutilized for most small business owners. There’s an assumption that everyone on there is either a large corporation or a job seeker. While there is no shortage of either, there’s certainly a variety of people...
Why New Business Owners Need to Focus on the Future
Written by Monique Mills, MBA, PMP, Founder of TPM Focus What is that? The phone pictured above was taken at the house where the Movie 'A Christmas Story' was filmed in Cleveland, Ohio. It's an all-time classic that comes on TV every holiday season. While...
Startup Founders: Are You Walking Blindfolded?
Startup founders: Are you walking blindfolded into the startup world? Once a business idea comes, many people take off with it. The excitement and potential success of it consume them and additional ideas start to flow. Maybe a friend, classmate, or...
What Are the Keys to Your Success? Talented Employees
You Can't Have Impact Without Talented Employees One of the biggest challenges of any company, particularly new enterprises and small businesses, is finding and retaining talented employees. After all, the employees are the keys to your company’s success...
How to Prepare for the Entrepreneurial Journey
It's easier said than done, but you must prepare yourself for the entrepreneurial journey. Most entrepreneurs start out as solopreneurs–by themselves. But at some point, you realize that the isolation will only get you so far. There are a finite number of ways you...
New Entrepreneurs Ask This Question the Most
THE QUESTION New entrepreneurs OR those who have just founded a new company from an idea, consistently ask this question: “Where do I find customers?” WHY MOST ENTREPRENEURS ARE ASKING THIS QUESTION When you first have the idea for a business, you think...
The Stages of Mentoring
Purpose of Mentoring Mentoring is a popular buzz word now as more and more people aspire to climb the ranks professionally and enter unchartered territories in their careers, and particularly when pursuing entrepreneurship. Mentoring starts with the...
Conquer Business Planning for Tech Startups
In today’s startup frenzy, although business planning is most important, we understand the pressures many entrepreneurs are under to move fast and show what they’ve accomplished to attract investors and talent. We know from first-hand...
3 Reasons NOT to Give Your Innovation Away for Free
Value Your ProductIf your product provides value to customers, this post is meant for you so that you'll stop undervaluing your creation (and yourself). Below are the Top 3 reasons you should not give your product away for free, particularly if you are...
Consulting is All About People
It’s All About People Consulting is all about people. Good consultants are great listeners and naturals at building genuine relationships with others. Most began consulting because they had a skill set or specific knowledge that is useful to others and enjoy sharing...
3 Ways to Support Small Businesses Using Social Media
There are campaigns everywhere encouraging people to "Support Small Businesses" because they are the heartbeat of our country. The message is equally important in 2018, but now technology plays a major role in the success of any company. This post is...
Practice Getting Customers
Interviewing potential customers is a major component of launching a new product/service or launching an entirely new business from an idea (a startup). Startups are all about finding customers, not building and pushing something you’ve dreamed up. It’s important that...
How to Minimize Failure with Design Thinking
This is a MUST READ if you're considering starting a new business or adding a new product or service to your existing business. Why? Because many companies fail simply because they didn't consider the steps outlined in this post.At TPM Focus, we assist...
How to Shut Down Your Business
Do you need to shut down your company? It happens. It's a reality. Some businesses work and others don't. Sometimes you burn out and can't operate it anymore. Sometimes your interests have changed and you'd rather move on. It's okay. It's not the end...
This is Eye-Opening! What Investors Really Mean When They Say…
We'll Pass Those are the words most founders hate to hear. It's like being clotheslined! Well, at least it physically feels that way. Here you are, happily running along and BOOM! The wind gets knocked right out of you. You're in shock. You're confused....
Cold Calling is for Suckers
Cold Calling is not dead, but... You need more. You need more than the yellow pages and a phone. It's 2018 and with caller ID and the ability to stop and block calls with the simple flick of a thumb, it's harder now, more than ever, to reach...
Check Out Your Competitors
Have you ever become a copycat by mistake? Let's say you have a great idea and you want to start a company from it. Great! There's a series of steps you'll have to go through, but the focus of this article will be on doing competitor research....
Do You Need a Business Mentor, Coach, or Consultant?
Do You Need a Business Mentor, Coach, or Consultant? When it comes to seeking external help for your business, understanding the differences between a business mentor, coach, and consultant is crucial. Each role provides distinct types of support, and knowing what you...
Let’s Grab Some Coffee
"Hey friend! Let's grab some coffee next week. How's Wednesday morning?"Maybe it stops at “Let’s grab some coffee?” and the ending is not included, but you soon find out the part about “…to pick your brain” once you get to Starbucks.How many times have...
Users or Customers? Which is it?
Whether they are users or the customers, the question is: "What's in it for me?" Although many people won't say that aloud, they're thinking it anytime someone tries to sell them something. When you are communicating about your business, your...
Why They Should Buy From You
As a business owner, it is your responsibility to tell people why they should buy from you. People must know how you provide value to them and why it's worth paying for. If that isn't done well in both your communications, sales, and...
This Post Will Change EVERYTHING for Your Small Business
Dear Small Business Owner, If you're reading this, it's evident you are looking for solutions to grow your business. If you have a brick and mortar business, defined as a business that is located in a building and relies on customers physically coming...
Being Punched In the Mouth – Business Startup Strategy
Business is Like BoxingAs Mike Tyson so eloquently stated, "Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth."Yes, as funny as it may seem, we...
It’s Not Scalable? What Do You Mean?
This article was written by Monique Mills, CEO of TPM FocusLet's talk about scalability. As a startup and SMB consultant for new and innovative products, I hear a lot of great business ideas. A lot. I also hear a lot of great business ideas that will be...
How to Get Your Customer’s Attention
The internet streets are busy. It's hard to get anyone's attention unless you really have something they want or are specifically searching for. Just imagine Times Square in New York City times a million---that's the internet. That's why it's so easy...
No One Wants to Steal Your Business Idea
Seriously, no one. It might be a great business idea. It could be an idea that’s going to make someone a LOT of money. It may be an idea that seems simple enough to implement, that you think someone else can easily do it. But in reality, the idea could be...
Why Hire Consultants?
Top 7 Reasons Why Entrepreneurs Hire Consultants Consultants: Provide objectivity Can act as a change catalyst Can identify problems as an outsider looking in Have the right expertise when you need it Can be hired to create new businesses Can be hired to influence...
Are Business Plans Out of Style?
What is a Business Plan? Business plans can be defined as: a document, usually 10-20 pages long, that describes the opportunity, product, context, strategy, team, required resources, financial forecasts and expected returns of a business...
It’s Not Possible for EVERYONE To Be Your Customer
Despite how useful your product or service is to the world, it's not possible for EVERYONE to be your customer--unless you're selling water (something everyone needs to survive). When many new entrepreneurs are first getting started with a fresh idea for a new...
When to Act on Your Business Idea
Everything is just so uncertain when you first start a business or even when you have an idea that you think you want to execute on. Yes, the thought of it gets you excited and nervous all at the same time. It’s completely normal and EVERYONE...
Chasing the Carrot–Who Got Funded?
Who got funded? This question is so popular these days so much that there are entire websites and platforms that will give you the details about who got funded by who, how much, when, other companies they’ve funded and so on. Who would’ve thought that...
The Obsession with Startup Pitch Competitions
It seems there’s a new startup pitch competition announced every month in cities all around the U.S. Many pitch competitions are located in the “hot” cities with thriving startup communities while others are held by smaller cities that are trying to...
Tough Decisions – Hiring and Firing
Seeking the right people for your business is an ongoing challenge for any business, no matter the size. But when you’re just starting out and especially if you’re a small business, you have to be nimble and quick. If you realize someone is just not...
Mind Your Business
Everyone is looking for the one who got it right, with hopes of duplicating the formula. NEWS FLASH: There is no such thing. “One can learn from a successful business model, but copying it verbatim almost never yields a similar result.” You cannot copy...
Components of The Business Model
First Things FirstThe business model of your company represents the value you’re delivering (or planning to deliver if you haven’t started your business yet) to customers and how you will make money (profits) from providing your service or product.When...
The Low Down on “Free”
There seems to be some misunderstanding in today’s world and quite honestly, it’s not getting any better. We’re in the world of “finding free”, particularly when it’s a service-based business. Have you ever scheduled one of those “Free 15-minute...
Top 2 Reasons Startups Fail
We prefer not to use the term “fail” as we don’t believe there is failure in startups, only testing. You only fail when you give up.When you have the courage to step out on faith and start a business of your own instead of just talking about it, you’re...
Most Important Skill for Entrepreneurs
The most important skill any entrepreneur should have is the ability to sell. This is directly related to being able to communicate effectively.[bctt tweet="If you can’t sell yourself, your product, or your service you’re out of business b4 you even get...
Begin With The End In Mind
Although many don't like this phrase, it's one to consider:"Begin with the end in mind."What this means in the world of business is:"What is your exit plan?""What are you seeking to get out of this business when it's all said and done?"Think of the rainbow...
The one thing successful entrepreneurs possess…
Are you able to influence others? Being an entrepreneur and being a leader is not mutually exclusive. In fact, successful entrepreneurs possess a well-developed ability to influence without formal power. What does that mean? Well, it means...
Need Help? Partner Up! – Strategic Partnerships
Are you an entrepreneur who needs a partner? If you are like most entrepreneurs, you have great aspirations for your business, but you realize it’s impossible to accomplish it all alone. Typically, the next thoughts include:“Who can I get to build this...
Just Say “No” And Forget FOMO
Just say "No" to the1 millionth startup pitch competitionRandom coffee meeting request to “pick your brain”100th entrepreneur networking event of the month……and get back to work on your startup! This may seem like harsh words, but there will always be...