Rev your engine—your content engine, that is.  Content engines are a critical part of effectively marketing your business as it’s a composite of the people, processes and tools you use to deliver your marketing messages in a high quality, targeted, and consistent way using a variety of media types including social media posts, video, blog posts, webinars, eBooks, infographics and other graphics.

Top 5 Things You Need for Your Content Engine

Your content engine will be stalled, slow, or ineffective without the following critical components:

1. Content Creators – Who is going to create all of the content that you want to distribute online? You need people who can write (copywriters), are creative, pay attention to details, and understand the context of your product enough to accurately depict it and the value it provides to your target audience.

2. Graphic Designer – How are you going to capture and maintain the attention of your audience quickly?  Glorious Graphics.  Vivid Video. Interesting Infographics.  Engaging EBooks.  Visual appeal is important.  People favorably remember aesthetically pleasing visual content and the information they listened to or read in correlation with it. 

Don't forget that you'll still need to engage with those who respond to your posts--authentically. Share on X

3. Automation – Do you have time to manually post on each social media platform each day?  That’s certainly not the best use of your time when social media automation tools exist to post for you and they’re priced quite reasonably.  However, don’t forget that you’ll still need to engage with those who respond to your posts and that part is best handled manually for the most authentic interaction (at least for now…eventually artificial intelligence will take over this task as well).

Editorial calendars are the best way for everyone to collaborate on projects and campaigns for your business. Share on X

4. Editorial Calendar – Where are you putting all of these fabulous content ideas so they aren’t forgotten?  How are you/your content producers organizing all of their amazing ideas?  The editorial calendar is used to list and describe the content that your content creators need to research and create, all laid out on a timeline (in a calendar).  It is the best way for everyone to collaborate on projects and campaigns for your business. At TPM Focus, we often suggest CoSchedule to our clients for this purpose (and for #3).

Analytics is essential to measuring the results of your marketing efforts. Share on X

5. Analytics – How will you know which of your marketing efforts are effective?  How will you know who has been engaging with your content?  How will you know if any of those people became your customers?  Analytics is essential to measuring the results of your marketing efforts.  The most common tool most startups and small businesses use is Google Analytics (it’s free too!).

While these are the top 5 items you need for your content engine, specific consideration must be made when creating content to assure the messaging, graphics, and tone is in alignment with your brand and resonates with your target audience.

Your content engine will be stalled, slow, or ineffective without the critical components. Share on X

Do you need help revving up your content engine?  Reach out to TPM Focus for assistance and we’ll get you up and running in a matter of days.  We offer both Marketing Strategy as well as Social Media Management Services.