New Entrepreneurs Ask This Question the Most

THE QUESTION New entrepreneurs OR those who have just founded a new company from an idea, consistently ask this question:  “Where do I find customers?” WHY MOST ENTREPRENEURS ARE ASKING THIS QUESTION When you first have the idea for a business, you think you have it...

Practice Getting Customers

Interviewing potential customers is a major component of launching a new product/service or launching an entirely new business from an idea (a startup). Startups are all about finding customers, not building and pushing something you’ve dreamed up. It’s important that...

How to Minimize Failure with Design Thinking

This is a MUST READ if you’re considering starting a new business or adding a new product or service to your existing business.  Why?  Because many companies fail simply because they didn’t consider the steps outlined in this post.At TPM Focus, we assist...

How to Get Your Customer’s Attention

The internet streets are busy.  It’s hard to get anyone’s attention unless you really have something they want or are specifically searching for.  Just imagine Times Square in New York City times a million—that’s the internet.  That’s why...

It’s Not Possible for EVERYONE To Be Your Customer

Despite how useful your product or service is to the world, it’s not possible for EVERYONE to be your customer–unless you’re selling water (something everyone needs to survive).  When many new entrepreneurs are first getting started with a fresh idea...

Most Important Skill for Entrepreneurs

The most important skill any entrepreneur should have is the ability to sell.  This is directly related to being able to communicate effectively.If you can’t sell yourself, your product, or your service you’re out of business b4 you even get started. Click To...