Why You Should Hire For Customer Success Early

Customer success is a crucial component of any successful business yet is often an afterthought. This is a mistake. You should consider customer success before growth and actively hiring for it while planning your technology strategy and/or new product roll-out. Read...

You’re Holding Your Company Back

The lies you’re telling yourself are holding you back. Whatever it is that you think is impossible or won’t work can be done. Business does not have to be as done as usual. The world is quickly changing and being transformed with technology. In addition,...

Do You Know How to Gauge Interest?

Are you having a hard time determining if your prospects are interested in your product? If so, this post is for you.  Is it so wrong to want them to buy?We understand that it’s challenging to gauge the interest of your prospects, especially when it’s a product or...

Brand Bible Example

What Is A Brand Bible? Does your company have a “Brand Bible”? Perhaps you use the term “brand guide,” but it’s the same concept. You can’t have revenue engine optimization without alignment within your marketing efforts.  Branding...

Intrapreneurs and Corporate Innovation Teams

The term “intrapreneurs” describes employees of a corporation tasked with behaving like an entrepreneur while working within a large organization. Sounds difficult? It is if you desire to create a stand-alone entity meant to serve an entire industry and...

Rev Your Engine

Rev your engine—your content engine, that is.  Content engines are a critical part of effectively marketing your business as it’s a composite of the people, processes and tools you use to deliver your marketing messages in a high quality, targeted, and...

The Difference Between an MVP and a Prototype

The difference between an MVP, or a minimum viable product, and a prototype is that an MVP is a finite version of your product with a certain set of minimum features for your user to experience the purpose of your product and provide feedback. A prototype, though...

Supporting Young Entrepreneurs

Young Entrepreneurs are more important than ever, and it is vital for current entrepreneurs to support this next generation of business leaders.  This week the CEO of TPM Focus invested in three companies started by young entrepreneurs—all under the age of 12. ...

The B2B Buying Journey

The B2B, or business to business, buying journey has an unwritten set of rules that should be acknowledged and considered when selling your products and services.  Many of our clients voice frustrations with the selling process in this space.  However, we redirect...

Video: The Case of the “Leaky Sales Funnel”

Video: The Case of the “Leaky Sales Funnel”Recently, the CEO of TPM Focus, Monique Mills, led a strategic planning session for women business owners in Atlanta.  It was a full day of hands-on strategic planning held specifically to help them get a jump...

Growth and Scaling—The Difference

Recently, a new business owner asked: “How do I scale a new business?”Here’s our answer to that:A brand new business shouldn’t focus on scaling just yet. It’s only once you have some traction, growth, and product-market fit should you focus on...

Why LinkedIn is Critical to Small Business Owners

LinkedIn is a great platform, yet highly underutilized for most small business owners.  There’s an assumption that everyone on there is either a large corporation or a job seeker.  While there is no shortage of either, there’s certainly a variety of people and...

Why New Business Owners Need to Focus on the Future

Written by Monique Mills, MBA, PMP, Founder of TPM Focus What is that? The phone pictured above was taken at the house where the Movie ‘A Christmas Story’ was filmed in Cleveland, Ohio. It’s an all-time classic that comes on TV every holiday season. ...

Startup Founders: Are You Walking Blindfolded?

Startup founders:  Are you walking blindfolded into the startup world?  Once a business idea comes, many people take off with it.  The excitement and potential success of it consume them and additional ideas start to flow.  Maybe a friend, classmate, or family member...

What Are the Keys to Your Success? Talented Employees

You Can’t Have Impact Without Talented Employees One of the biggest challenges of any company, particularly new enterprises and small businesses, is finding and retaining talented employees. After all, the employees are the keys to your company’s success so it’s...